Training will be provided at the latest 3 months after convention is signed.
Trainings on Pix4D and Photoscan softwares with examples of applications to agriculture and stones pits industries (1 day extensible to 2 depending on required content).
These trainings are based on exercises with Pix4D software (1 day or more in case of specific needs).
Excellent : 62.5 %
Good : 37.5 %
Introduction to photogrammetry
Workflow et Options (Pix4D ou Photoscan)
GCP et utilisation (RTK)
Volumes calculation (Pix4D or Photoscan)
Quality Report analysis (Pix4D or Photoscan)
Automatic Flight options et setup
DTM DSM Classification starting from a Dense Cloud
Orthomosaic Edition and Update
Radiometry and Biology features of Vegetal Indexes
Vegetal Indexes
Multi-spectral sensors
Data process and analysis