
Remote Sensing and Data Processing in below fields of activity :

Precision Agriculture

Situation of agricultural parcels and In field agronomic trials.

Forestry – Environment

Forests :
Trees counting with or without missing
Vegetal Indexes : vigor sensing, sick trees
Height measurement of canopy or isolated trees


Environment :
Foreshore follow-up, seaweeds population evaluation, vegetal cover measurement of waste and industrial sites …


Stones Pits (Volume and situation reports), Insurances (Wildfowl damages, Sinisters …) …

Precision Agriculture

Remote sensing and data processing (photogrammetry – vegetal indexes (NDVI…)) on crops (wheat, barley, rapeseeds, maize, sunflower, vineyards and orchards …).

Experimentation – Phenotyping :

– Flights with multi-rotors at a low altitude with a RGB sensor and/or a Multi-Spectral sensor to get an accurate resolution (in millimeters) of micro-plots and allow and accurate and reliable phenotyping process.

– Data processing (Pix4D – Photoscan …) to get orthomosaic per flight with a vector file of micro-plots allowing a vegetal indexes analysis (NDVI, VARI…) : mean per micro-plot and accurate estimation of plant stress (weeds, diseases, hydric and thermic : cold – heat)  per micro-plot or counting.

– Micro-plot vectorization to undersize micro-plots and avoid “border” effect.

Agricultural fields and AgriVoltaism :


Flights can be done with a fixed wing UAV or a multi-rotor drone as well (RGB or Multi-spectral sensor) :

– Vegetal indexes (NDVI, NDVIE, EVI2, CCCI…) : release of a mapping of field, a vector file (shp) and a XLS sheet including spraying recommendations.

– Counting with missing on maize, sunflower, vineyards, orchards…

– Weeds zoning on root crops : release of a zoning map (plus shp file and XLS sheet).

– Wildfolw damages with same method

– Evaluation of Loss of Yield in scope of AgriVoltaism

Vineyards plants counting with missing : Detailed view
Vineyards plants counting with missing : Synthetic view
NDVI on Rapeseed (detailed mode)
Simplified NDVI (Rapeseed) before Winter
Rapeseed spring nitrogen fertilization
Loss of Yield Evaluation
Loss of Yield Evaluation
Loss of Yield Evaluation NDVI index
Loss of Yield Evaluation NDVI index

Forests – Environment

Forests – Nurseries – Orchards :

Trees counting (forestry – nurseries) with missing or not.
Vegetal Indexes : chlorophyll detection, sick trees
Rows height
Canopy or isolated trees height

Environment :

Foreshore follow-up, seaweeds population evaluation, vegetal cover measurement of waste and industrial sites …


Stones Pits Operations Samples.

Orthomosaic release and DMS (Surface Data Model).

Orthomosaic (Images captured by Air City Diagnostics)
Data Surface Model (DSM) images captured by Air City Diagnostics
Volume measurement of a salt stock